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What is a Master’s in Accounting?

If you are interested in becoming an accounting professional, it is important to get answers to the question “What is a master’s in accounting?” before starting your educational journey. To become an entry-level accountant, most employers prefer candidates to have either an Associate’s or a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting. After you have taken the time to earn your undergraduate degree, you have a much greater chance of being hired by larger accounting firms and organizations where there is room for advancement. While you can advance by gaining professional experience, you can climb up the ladder much more quickly when you hold an advanced degree. Read on and learn more about the Master’s in Accounting degree, and what it will prepare you for.

Master’s Degree Programs Emphasis

A Master’s degree program is a post-baccalaureate program that is focused on specific theories and advanced technical skills in the field. Some of the courses that you will take when you are enrolled in the average Master’s of Accounting include: public accounting, taxation, and general accountancy.

Most M.Acc programs consist of between 30 and 45 credit hours, and students will complete 12 to 15 credits per year when enrolled in the program full time. All of the core courses that are required for completion are upper level courses, and you are not required to take any general courses because those have already been completed through undergraduate study.

What is the Difference Between a Master’s in Accounting and an MBA in Accounting?

As you are comparing Master’s degree programs, you may stumble across MBA’s and ask yourself what the difference between the two advanced programs really is. The primary difference is what each type of program focuses on. An MBA is a high-education degree that is well-rounded and more focused on business theory and giving you a well-rounded knowledge of business. Some of the credits you complete when earning an MBA are centered around general business, and others have a focus on the specialization that you choose. If your goal is to be a leader in finance or accounting rather than an expert CPA or accountant, the MBA may be more appropriate for you.

What Can You Do With a Master’s in Accounting?

One way to make the right decision for your future is to research the job outlook in the field. Based on studies conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the outlook for accountants is positive and jobs are predicted to grow by 13%.

There is a wide variety of positions you can get promoted to when you have an advanced degree. Some of the positions that you can apply for with a MAcc include: Certified Public Accountant, Forensic Accountant, Auditor, Financial Manager, Personal Financial Planner, Cost Accountant, Controller, Budget Analyst, and Payable Manager. If your career goals are going in any of these directions, advance your education by getting a Master’s in Accounting degree.